One of the jobs abroad at the POEA website may be the right job for you. The challenge is how to look for it. That will come handy because the website is user-friendly. You just have to be familiar with how it works.
The POEA (Philippine Overseas Employment Agency) ensures that job orders from licensed agencies are valid.Agencies accept applicants for work abroad on the basis of valid job orders - that there are foreign employers looking for workers.
Many Filipinos are victims of fake job orders partly because of lack of information.
This page shows you how to look for that right job and check the validity of a job order and the license of the agency. And avoid being a victim of illegal recruitment.
Step 1 - Open a new window and go to You will land on the home page of the POEA website, just like the image below.
The home page tells you what the website is all about. Our concern right now is to look for the right job for you. See the sub-menus at the right side of the home page?
Step 2 - Click Approved Job Orders under ONLINE SERVICES. You will be taken to a new window just like the screenshot below.
This new screen shows how to look for jobs abroad for Filipinos by position, by country or by agency.
Do you want to go nowhere? Start clicking any link on that screen now to find out. Or keep on reading.
Step 3 - Search jobs abroad at the POEA website by position. Think of words related to the job you want. Type the words one at a time in the space provided and click submit, in the form as shown below.
You can sort by country or agency but leave the default as Sort by Date JO was Approved. For example, you may search for nursing jobs by typing nursing, or nurse. A new window opens to show the results.
The more words you can think of, the more options you get. Typing part of the job you are looking for also returns vacancies.
Take the case of farmers or farm workers. Using farm as the search term covers jobs with farm, farmer, farmers attached to the position.
You can also expand the search by typing helper, worker or agri. The search term agri covers agriculture or agricultural workers and the like. You get to see more jobs abroad at the POEA website by searching this way.
Step 4 - Choose jobs to further check. I'm sure job site is a big factor. The latest approved jobs have a greater chance of being valid. So better choose those at the top of the screen but not more than six months old.
More vacancies on a job also help to ensure that the orders are not yet filled up.
Check again the results for search term "nurse" below. Note the five columns - position, country, agency, date approved, vacancy.
Step 5 - Get the names of the agencies for your chosen jobs abroad at the POEA website. Go back to Step 1 at the home page and click Recruitment Agencies, also under ONLINE SERVICES.
This step confirms the status of the agencies. Type a name from your list of chosen agencies and click submit. It returns the complete name, address, phone numbers and representative of the agency.
This shows whether the agency is in good standing and has a valid license.
Repeat Step 5 to get the facts about all the agencies in your list. If you are not satisfied with your list so far, you can search for the same position by typing other words in Step 3.
Looking for jobs abroad at the POEA website can be fun and exciting. These simple steps are not absolute but they will help you get the information faster. You get to see more jobs abroad for Filipinos.
Overseas Filipinos › Prepare Going Abroad › Jobs Abroad At The POEA Website
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